Meet Our Expert Ice Cream Business Consultant

Let Us Introduce You to Our Founder – Tony Carey

Tony Carey is a man who knows frozen custard and is an Expert Ice Cream Business Consultant. His career in the industry began when he accepted an upper-level position with a leadingexpert ice cream business consultant frozen custard machine company. But Tony’s experience goes way beyond one single job; Tony has also had the opportunity to design and manufacture his own set of frozen custard machines.

On top of his management, design and manufacturing experience, he’s also spent years training and advising new ice cream store owners by helping them make their businesses thrive.

Tony has been in the ice cream industry since 2001 and has definitely earned his reputation for being an expert ice cream business consultant. Check out the summary of Tony’s bio below the videos.

Our Expert Ice Cream Business Consultant in Action

Tony Carey is an authority on frozen custard machines. On these videos he’ll provide you with insights on how to operate a machine and the importance of sanitizing it. For questions and answers, you can contact Tony at 855-534-7999.

A step by step overview of how to assemble the frozen custard machine.

Check the quality of the custard. Firm enough that a spoon sticks to it.

Test the consistency of the custard by controlling the main flow valve.

Sanitize the machine by thoroughly cleaning it to remove all loose custard.

  • Tony’s Background

    When Tony was growing up in England, he didn’t set out to become an ice cream expert. He had a fairly typical childhood going to school, playing sports and earning money through a paper route.

    After high school, he went to the University of York, where he earned a BSC in chemistry and industrial economics. What Tony enjoyed most about his studies was having the opportunity to visit local manufacturers and see how the principles of chemistry could be applied in the real world. After he completed his bachelor’s degree,Tony applied what he’d learned in school while working at Forbo, a wallpaper manufacturer in Lancaster. He remained with that company for 8 years.

    During his time with Forbo, Tony gained a wealth of knowledge through training and experience. His employer also provided tuition assistance, allowing Tony to complete an MBA through the University of Warwick. But Tony got more than just an education at the University of Warwick – that’s also where he met an American named Becky Moore, who would later become his wife.

  • Developing His Ice Cream Expertise

    After marrying Becky and moving to the United States,Tony worked as a plant manager for a company that produced logging equipment for several years. But life had sweeter things in mind for Tony. His next career expert ice cream business consultantmove would take him down the path towards becoming the expert ice cream business consultant that he is today.

    That first step occurred in 2001 when Tony started working as the Vice President of Business Development for Ross Manufacturing. At the time, Ross Manufacturing was well-known in the ice cream industry. The company’s founder, Howard Ross, was an engineer who had owned his own frozen custard store. Mr. Ross used his engineering know-how to determine the best way to make frozen custard. In 1996, he decided to close his store and focus his energy on manufacturing high-quality frozen custard machines.

    By 2001, when Tony joined the firm, Ross Manufacturing was already a respected contributor in the ice cream industry. But once Ross Manufacturing and Tony Carey got together, nothing could stop their progress. With Tony’s help, first as VP of Business Development and later as the company’s Vice President, Ross Manufacturing became the leading manufacturer of frozen custard machines. It’s here that Tony developed the in-depth knowledge needed to become an expert ice cream business consultant.

  • The Next Step

    Tony and Ross Manufacturing parted ways in 2005 when the company was purchased by a venture capitalist group. Not long after leaving Ross, Tony was contacted by a friend in the industry about a new company that wanted to start manufacturing frozen custard machines.

    Tony got to work, using all of his prior experience and knowledge to design a frozen custard machine for the company to manufacture and market. Unfortunately, the company’s funding ran dry before they could make it to production, leaving Tony with an unused design. Not one to let opportunity pass him by, Tony decided to raise his own funding to have his design certified. He never intended to start his own company, but the payment for certification had to be made by a business – that’s how Lancaster Manufacturing was born.

  • We All Scream Consulting

    Once Lancaster Manufacturing was up and running, Tony decided he wasn’t content to just make and sell frozen custard machines; he wanted to help ice cream business owners succeed. Tony started We All Scream Consulting as a way to educate new business owners and guide them through the ins and out of the ice cream industry. Find out more about opening your own successful ice cream store.

Through We All Scream Consulting, Tony uses his expertise to help ice cream businesses thrive. He teaches store owners all about finding the right location, obtaining permits, working with suppliers, creating a functional layout, operating the machinery, training employees, food presentation and more.

While Tony might not have planned to become an expert ice cream business consultant, he’s very happy with the direction life has taken him.Tony thoroughly enjoys the work he does through We All Scream Consulting.

He loves building relationships with new ice cream store owners and walking with them step by step to ensure their success. He wouldn’t have it any other way!

How Can Tony Help You?

Are you thinking about opening your own ice cream store? Are you looking for high-quality frozen custard machines that can be customized to your specifications? If you have an interest in the frozen custard business and need equipment or guidance, then Tony Carey can help. Just give him a call at 855-534-7999 or drop him a line at He’d love to talk to you about your future in the ice cream industry!

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